Course Overview

Practical tips for blogging ancestral stories with help from AI and

Are you keen to share your ancestral stories as blog posts with family and friends? Do you need some guidance on your journey to becoming a Geneablogger? Would you like some help with using artificial intelligence in the process? This course will help you to plan, schedule, write and share your ancestral stories as blog posts. Every lesson focusses on a special tip to help you write better family history blog posts. There is a special module of lessons on 'How to Create your Blog on the family archive' - the latest Blog and Build tool for geneabloggers.

Course curriculum

and learning outcomes

    1. Welcome to Advanced Blogging in the Past Lane

    2. Meet your Mentor

    3. Advanced Blogging Checklist

    4. Student Handouts

    1. Content Planning

    2. The Power of a Title

    3. Writing an introduction

    4. Illustrating with visual aids

    5. Importance of Navigation

    6. Research: The Backbone of Credibility

    7. Engaging readers

    1. Writing with clarity

    2. Blending storytelling with facts

    3. Personalise

    4. Dialogue and Points of View

    5. Citing Sources

    1. Understanding

    2. MasterClass Recording: Blogging with WeAre

    1. How to create a Blog Site on WeAre

    2. Name your blog with help from AI

    3. Select a Blog Template

    4. Create an About Me page

    5. Select Content Blocks for a Plain Blog

    6. Select Content blocks for a Tree Blog

    7. Connect your Post to Articles

    8. Tag Ancestors and Connect to Artefacts

    9. Connect your Post to Ancestor Documents

    10. Cite your Sources professionally

    11. Share your Blog site and Posts

    12. Bonus Lesson: We Are Making Your Family Unforgettable with Ten Tools

    1. Introduction to WordPress

    2. Lesson 1: How to Setup your WordPress Site

    3. Lesson 2: How to Manage your WordPress Pages and Posts

    4. Lesson 3: How to Customise your site with WordPress Editor

    5. Lesson 4: How to Manage your site with WordPress Menus

About this course

  • $67.00
  • 51 lessons
  • 5 hours of video content

Downloadable Resources

Handouts include

Blog Planning Checklist; and Tips for Writing Better Blog Posts
worksheet cover page

Icons & text

  • Plan

    Create visual storyboards or mind maps for your blogs. Organise content to fit with a theme for each blog.

  • Schedule

    Make a schedule for consistent posting on your blog

  • Create

    Create a Blog site and master the Theme, Menus, Pages and Posts

  • Communicate

    Discuss progress with your mentor and other participants in the private Facebook Group: Ancestry in the Age of AI.

  • Collaborate

    Join social media community of learner bloggers and collaborate with a sharing of ideas.

  • Share Ancestral Stories

    Create posts for ancestors in your clans to collaborate and tell their stories.

Course delivers

your learning outcomes in easy bytes

  • 1. Planning your ancestral storytelling blog

  • 2. Writing better blog posts

  • 3. Mastering a Blog Site

  • 4. Mastering a WordPress Blog Site

  • 5. Creating engaging Posts about your ancestors

  • 6. Editing and managing Posts

  • 7. Featuring Media, Articles and Links in Posts

  • 8. Scheduling Posts

  • 9. Publishing and sharing posts

  • 10. Setup a matching social media site


from Students