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Digital Storytelling

for Family Historians

In this course you will learn how to create a short video about your ancestor, with narration, images from your archives and a musical background. In the lessons I provide step by step instructions on how to use PowerPoint to create your Digital Story.

Start with your memorabilia

... old photos, letters, documents & newspaper articles ...

There's something about an old photo or a letter long forgotten, an ancient certificate of birth, marriage or death, that evokes emotion and prompts you to write a story to preserve the provenance surrounding that object. Here's some examples to get started: Begin with a photo and imagine the circumstances around it - a wedding photo of all the ladies in the garden - who was there and who was not? Begin with a letter from a soldier to his family and imagine what it was like at the front. Begin with a marriage certificate and reveal the history of the couple. Begin with a baptism record and look for clues on the timing of baptism related to the birth date. Begin with a newspaper article from the past and tell the story about the event.

Course curriculum

free preview first chapter content

    1. 2.1 A message from the instructor

    2. 2.2 Discussion Forum Etiquette

    3. 2.3 Prepare your Computer

    4. 2.4 Preserve Family History

    5. 2.5 Background story: William Adrian Allery B: 1845 D: 1929

    6. 2.6 Story Narration: The Missing Evidence

    1. 3.1 Digital Storytelling History

    2. 3.2 Anatomy of Digital Storytelling

    3. 3.3 Elements of an Engaging Digital Story

    4. 3.4 Test your learning 1

    5. 3.5 Are you ready to begin?

    1. 4.1 Scope your story

    2. 4.2 Know your Ancestor

    3. 4.3 Conduct Effective Research

    4. 4.4 Craft your Story

    5. 4.5 Ancestral Story Narrative

    6. 4.6 Personal Story Narrative

    7. 4.7 Test your learning 2

    8. Optional: Book a story planning session with me

    9. 4.8 Digital Story Plan

    1. 5.1 Create your Script

    2. 5.2 Record your narrative from a script

    3. Optional: Edit Audacity voice recording

    4. Optional: Record Oral History Interviews

    5. 5.3 Save your story recording

    6. 5.4 William Adrian Allery Digital Story Part A

    7. 5.5 William Adrian Allery Digital Story Part B

    8. 5.6 Test your learning 3

    9. 5.7 Digital Story Narrative

    1. 6.1 The Shooting Script (Storyboard)

    2. 6.2 Create a Storyboard in Word

    3. 6.3 Digital Story Storyboard

About this course

  • $97.00
  • 62 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Make your digital story accessible

share with family

A digital story of about 5-6 minutes has the power to engage and inform. Your family history can be preserved in small videos and shared with your family. Family members can access easily from their mobile device. Store in YouTube and send a link.

Icons & text

  • Create your Video

    Your digital story is created as a short video with your narration, your memorabilia and a musical soundtrack using tools from PowerPoint.

  • Share on YouTube

    Upload your completed digital story video to YouTube and share with your friends and family via a post in Facebook.

Social proof: reviews

5 star rating

03 Digital Stories Unpacked

Kathleen Zarubin

Excellent! Fantastic overview of the process and requirements. Great information and examples included..

Excellent! Fantastic overview of the process and requirements. Great information and examples included..

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